Monday, March 2, 2015

It's Cabin Time!

Over Presidents day weekend a bunch of friends and I made a two hour jaunt to my roommates family cabin. It was pretty much perfect. We were only there for 36 hours, but we managed to play tons of games, go snowmobiling and four wheeling, eat delicious food that my roommates parents cooked for us, watch movies, stay up way too late, and just generally have a fantastic time. Also, there was no internet there, which made me panic for a hot second, but then I got over it and realized I loved being distraction free!

Also, it was so beautiful up in the mountains and now I am craving some more adventure.

Those mountains, I can't get enough.

This was my first time four wheeling and it was way icy and slippery. I drove like a grandma and I loved every second of it.

Look at that delicious spread...Mmmmmmmm...Homemade sourdough pancakes and homemade coconut syrup. Heaven.

And what kind of weekend would it be without a little group time nap time thrown in.

Until Next time.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

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