Friday, November 9, 2012

All you can do is smile

Story of my day
-woke up with it hard core snowing out side
-burnt my hand curling my hair
-left my milk out overnight
-walk 15 minutes to class in the downpour of snow to find out that my class is canceled
-hair that I spent 30 minutes curling is now flat
-spend 4 hours from 6-10 in reviews on a Friday night.

Sometimes the only thing left that you can do on days like today is smile.

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One of those nights

My night is looking a little this...

Hair In a bun
Glasses out
Late night slap happy face on

Let the homework begin. Oh college....I love you but sometimes I wonder why.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

In all Seriousness

“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual--or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
— Samuel Adams

Rockin the Red, White, and Blue for election day.
And no I do not have an "I voted" sticker....absentee ballots really need to enclose a sticker with them...first world problems

Monday, November 5, 2012

College food

You know how everyone talks about how college kids never have any food? Well if this is true then I didn't get the memo. I have this horrible problem where if I see something on sale then I just buy it because "you never know when you might need 6 cans of sweetened condensed milk". It is a problem. So would you like to see what a real college pantry looks like? Here is my shelf...

(ignore the top left...don't know what happened there...)

So yeah, I would hardly say that starving is the appropriate term. But wait it gets better. Do you want to see what a fridge looks like that is shared by 6 GIRLS??? Wish granted.

                                                            Note the 5 different cartons of milk...

It is a Class A Struggle....this is the only section that is mine...

Oh the joys of college living.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

P.S. Make sure to get out and vote tomorrow if you haven't already!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

I Insincerely Apologize for....

  • Campaigning for my main man Mitt wherever I am
  • Calling all things that are the least bit hard a "class A struggle"
  • Being able to put 28 grapes in my is a real thing
  • flaring my nostrils at you to get you to laugh at the most inappropriate of times
  • referring to my previous roommates as simply me "exes" has created several uncomfortable but very funny situations


And this is my super scary Halloween present to you (yeah I know that it is two days late)

found this bad boy in my pantry....would you believe that it used to be a piece of pie (pre-mold that is)

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I think I want to Marry YOU

On Sunday I was privileged to be present when one of my best friends Annie got engaged. It was amazing to be able to wait at the bottom of a mountain, watch her get out of their car with a huge grin, a sparkly ring, and her future husband. What a spectacular moment. Annie I am so thrilled for you and I know you guys will be so happy! Cheesy...but true!

Get ready for a picture overload...

Yeah she was just a little excited...

                                                                 Love this girl!

                                        The Rock that he custom designed just for her....perfect

          The cute couple! (she held her hand like this the entire night, haha she couldn't believe that it was real!)

My personal Favorite of the night, Logan looks ecstatic and Annie looks in heaven.

Annie and Logan, CONGRATULATIONS! I love you both!

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Monday, October 29, 2012

Why family is the best.

My mom came to visit Utah a few weeks back. It was so so so so fun to see that woman! I miss her so much when she is not around!
While she was here we celebrated my Grandpas 90th birthday. 90 and still going strong. Love you Grandpa!!
Isn't he the best looking 90 year old you have ever seen???

Not only did my mom come and visit, but she brought an entire suitcase of food for my brothers and I! It was full of our favorite brand of food that is not sold in Utah...curse you Utah! What other mom will fly an entire suitcase of food to Utah from Chicago?? That's right, my mom is awesome.

Lasty, my two little cousins are the funniest e.v.e.r. let me tell you about a conversation that went down

Me: Hey boys, show me your bellybuttons!
Will and Remi: I guess if you really want us to...

Remi: Here Will, let me help you.
(Notice Will's glare)

Will: Remi....hands off my bellybutton. 

Haha their expressions crack me up! Will can't even see his own bellybutton, he gets so frustrated trying to find it!! Love these kids!

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chalk the Block

Sometimes I read other peoples blogs and wonder how they find so many cool things to do and post about. But then I realized that there are cool things happening all around, I just need get my behind off the couch and go to them. Cool thing number 1: Chalk the Block.
    So here in P town we have this super cute little mall area that is called the Riverwoods. It is an outdoor mall filled with twinkling lights and outdoor fires.

adorable right?

Well yesterday they had this super fun event called Chalk the Block. This event happens all around the world. Basically a whole bunch of local and internationally popular chalk artists gather and show their fabulous art abilities. Guys.....they are really amazing!!!!! So today and tomorrow I will show you some of the awesome art....all done in chalk.

Half completed Dinosaur 

You can see the image that the artist is coping for this picture, he is so talented.

                                                          Who doesn't like tangled?

Haha these princesses cracked me up

Can you believe what these people can do with chalk? I could not even make pictures look this good with a coloring book! But wait, it gets better, the non-cartoon pieces were even more astounding. Tune in tomorrow. Happy Sunday!

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

First things first...

I have my priorities straight. When I move to P town to go to college every fall the first thing I do books for school? Not a chance.....look at the syllabus' for my classes?HAHA jokes on I do the single most important thing....catch up with my friends!

Beware, the following are awkward family photos....
                                                       The Freshman Roomie Reunion
                                                   (at Stephanie's super cute apartment!)

The Sophomore Roomie Reunion

this next picture describes our relationship perfectly

There was also the cousin reunion which was not documented but equally as important!!

Oh yes, I definitely have my priorities in order.

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Monday, September 17, 2012

Back Again

Ok well folks, I am back and I am back and ready to blog. Junior year is in session and it promises to be a busy but good one. I am going to try and show you what I do every day as a Genetics and Biotechnology major, a harp minor, a mediocre cook, a social pariah (or choose), and mostly as crazy old me!

I leave you with this rockin but really really random picture of me and my beautiful friends last weekend!


Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

But I am only...20

Let's be honest. 20 sounds so very much older than 19. When I was 19 and people asked me if I had a boyfriend or what I planned to do with my life I would simply say "no way jose, I am still a teenager I have time". But as of yesterday (at an undetermined, or better stated, unknown time) I turned the big 20. I think I am having a quarter life crisis. It is so weird to be 20. I feel...old. But on the upside, birthdays are always great. Yesterday I went to school and work (boring) and then went out to dinner with roomies and family. It was very laid back and yet oh so enjoyable! Thank you 19 for being so very good to me and 20....let the games begin!
                                                             The Gang at dinner!

The cake My amazing friend Mary made! (bottom right) It pays to have a good friend in culinary school =)!

The Best brothers a girl could ask for!
Thanks for all the birthday well wishes, it was a great day!

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Diet Starts Tommorow: Recipe

Rasberry Delight

Blogging is good for something my friends. It is good for stealing peoples amazing ideas! Such as recipes. I saw this delicious looking rasberry treat over on and I decided I had to make it. It was soo tasty. Just the thing to cool down on a hot summers night. Plus our garden is creating a surplus of rasberries so this is a really great use for them! Oh and it is positively delightful to look at!
MMMMMMMMMM look at that thick graham cracker crust!

                                  I also think that I need a shirt this exact color.
                                   Well now I am hungry all over again!
                                      Here is the recipe from
1 pkg (6 oz.) of raspberry jello
1 container (1.5 qts) of vanilla ice cream
fresh raspberries (optional)

Graham Cracker Crust:
8 graham crackers
6 Tbs. butter
2 Tbs. sugar
**crush graham crackers and mix together with butter & sugar. press evenly into dish and chill in refrigerator for at least 15 minutes. (i doubled this recipe to get an extra-thick crust to fill the bottom & sides of both my cake rounds.)

1. add 2 cups of boiling water to a package of raspberry jello in a large bowl and stir until dissolved.
2. add 1 container of vanilla ice cream to water & jello mixture, and stir until ice cream is evenly mixed throughout (will mix easier & quicker if you add the ice cream while the water is still very hot).
3. pour into prepared graham cracker crust, and put in the refrigerator to let set for about 2 hours. (i actually like to put mine in the freezer because i prefer a more ice cream-like texture rather than the pudding-like texture you get from the fridge. do whichever you prefer!)
4. serve with fresh raspberries (optional).
**the measurements in this recipe are for a 9x13-inch pan, but of course you can put it in whatever kind of dish you'd like.

So remember.....our diet starts tomorrow!
Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Insincere Apologies


--asking everybody where they get all the pieces of their outfits from. I mean maybe one day I will use that information...its possible
--for feeling your hair and seeing if mine is softer....yes it is a competition....and if you win I WILL want to know where you get your shampoo from (see above comment)
--wearing a blogger bun 6 out of 7 days of the week, aint no way I am wearing my hair down in this heat!
--taking off my glasses for every picture I take

What do you insincerely apologize for?

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Sunday, June 17, 2012

First comes love then comes....the Bachelorette Party!!

One of my best friends was married this weekend, so of course we had to go out and get a little crazy beforehand! Hahah but I think that our bachelorette party was a little different from the normal. Here is how it went.
 First--- Get sushi for dinner. Tried it for my first time, not so bad, but then again...not so good.
Then--- Get fake tattoo's from a buffalo wild wings vending maching
Next--- Get a small ice cream shake....scratch that...GOURGE yourself on ice cream!
Finale--- Head back home to laugh, gossip, watch the best romantic scenes from movies, and basically just have FUN.

Who needs the typical drunken and sketchy party when you can have a fun and nerdy party? I will take my sushi, fake tattoo, cheesy filled party any day!

Love you girls!

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

What is your ideal Bachelorette party?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Weeknight Fun

What do I do when I am not working a 50 hour work week you ask? Well I visit adorable baby Husky puppies of course!
A good family friend had 4 puppies a few weeks back, and let's just say that I have spent more then my fair share of time with them!

It is so amazing how fast these pups grow. Literally one week they couldn't open their eyes or walk and the next week they are running! I think I am grateful that human babies develop a little slower....and that they usually arrive in ones and not fours... = )
Sorry the pictures are a little is hard to get good pictures of bouncy balls of fur!

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mamma Mia

I love my matching sweaters....and I love my mom. Enough Said.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ruffle Lovin

A couple weeks ago it was my adorable little brother Will's birthday. He turned the big 6. Anyway he has the BIGGEST personality and is probabley the most hilarious kid every. Want to know what his favorite show is? Cake boss. Oh yeah, you heard right. So because I am the great big sister that I am I volunteered to make him his cake. After I volunteered I got this phone call a few minutes later...

Will "Hi Heidi!"
Heidi "Hey wildabeast (he has a plethora of nick names)"
Will "okay just so you know, for my birthday I want a five tier, fondant covered, red velvet cake that is decorated in the batman style and on the top I want a giant batman head made out of rice krispie treats and covered with fondant like they do in the show cake boss. Okay?"
Heidi" Uh...ok?"
Will "okay great I can't wait, goodbye"

haha he knows exactly what he wants. Well a few weeks later I talked him down to two layers, and instead of fondant I tried the ruffle technique and then he changed from batman themed to football. It was quite the adventure making this cake. But Will said that it was prettier and tastier then the cake boss cakes and so even if he just said it to make me feel better I was fine with that!!

The cake was definitely not perfect, but you know what? I feel great about how it turned out. I had a minor (okay major) meltdown in the middle of making it but alls well that ends well!


Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Monday, May 14, 2012

Navy to the Pier!

Day 3: Navy Pier

Navy pier. Quite possible the cutest little dock ever. Okay so little is not the right word but cute definitely is.

Spewing water...its a gift

Beautiful skyline view from the Ferris wheel (2nd largest in the US!)

This was our last day in the city. Okay well Annie's last day since I just live a train ride away. But still is was sad to end a week full of fun activities. So to end the week right what did we do...? A segue ride of course!

(okay so this is not my best picture)

Yes, we were those tourists, you know the ones. Holding up traffic because we had a group of 20 people all trying to get across the street during one green light. The ones all wearing very large helmets and portraying a strange mix of extreme jubilation and utter terror. Oh yes that was us, and I loved every second of it!

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I interrupt this announcement to present...

My brother at Prom. Adorable right? Oh remember those days!

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oh the Field

Day 2: Field Museum

I must admit that I am not a classy enough individual to enjoy spending all my days in museums, but on special occasions or when the mood strikes me then I really love a good museum. The Field museum is a cool one. The outside of it looks like it is straight out of a movie

and the inside is filled with awesome exhibits. 
( Sue: The worlds largest and most complete T-Rex)

I am not sure why but Dinosaurs and Egyptian relics are usually my favorites. There is something so cool about seeing artifacts that existed thousands of years ago and seem so alien, and yet lived lives here on the same planet as me. It really is mind boggling. 

Anyway, after a long day of Chicago traffic and dealing with a broken GPS, there was only one way to end the day. Giordanos pizza. There are not words to describe this pizza. Literally no words. So I will leave you with pictures.

Enough Said.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane