Monday, October 29, 2012

Why family is the best.

My mom came to visit Utah a few weeks back. It was so so so so fun to see that woman! I miss her so much when she is not around!
While she was here we celebrated my Grandpas 90th birthday. 90 and still going strong. Love you Grandpa!!
Isn't he the best looking 90 year old you have ever seen???

Not only did my mom come and visit, but she brought an entire suitcase of food for my brothers and I! It was full of our favorite brand of food that is not sold in Utah...curse you Utah! What other mom will fly an entire suitcase of food to Utah from Chicago?? That's right, my mom is awesome.

Lasty, my two little cousins are the funniest e.v.e.r. let me tell you about a conversation that went down

Me: Hey boys, show me your bellybuttons!
Will and Remi: I guess if you really want us to...

Remi: Here Will, let me help you.
(Notice Will's glare)

Will: Remi....hands off my bellybutton. 

Haha their expressions crack me up! Will can't even see his own bellybutton, he gets so frustrated trying to find it!! Love these kids!

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane