Wednesday, August 29, 2012

But I am only...20

Let's be honest. 20 sounds so very much older than 19. When I was 19 and people asked me if I had a boyfriend or what I planned to do with my life I would simply say "no way jose, I am still a teenager I have time". But as of yesterday (at an undetermined, or better stated, unknown time) I turned the big 20. I think I am having a quarter life crisis. It is so weird to be 20. I feel...old. But on the upside, birthdays are always great. Yesterday I went to school and work (boring) and then went out to dinner with roomies and family. It was very laid back and yet oh so enjoyable! Thank you 19 for being so very good to me and 20....let the games begin!
                                                             The Gang at dinner!

The cake My amazing friend Mary made! (bottom right) It pays to have a good friend in culinary school =)!

The Best brothers a girl could ask for!
Thanks for all the birthday well wishes, it was a great day!

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane