Monday, October 27, 2014

Yin to Yang

Some days you just got to dress up as twins with your bestie and roomie.  We were this close to wearing them on our double date that night, but decided that would be too much awesome (*read: too weird) for our dates to handle. I am obviously winning at that dating life.

Also, I am not wearing makeup in this picture....and I really hope I remembered to put some on before the actual date. Like I said, winning.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

7th wheeling

There comes a point in every single girls life were a majority of her close friends are married. I have officially reached this point. I mean, I am well on my way to being Katherine Heigl in 27 dresses, but that is a discussion for a later date.

I thought about just ditching those married fools in pursuit of better (*read: more single) friends, but darn-it I just like them to much. So I am that girl who seventh wheels with married folks.

So this is how I spent my Saturday night

Just in case you were confused...


Luckily these friends and their significant others are all great, so we always have an amazing time. Although I may have wondered how long it would have taken them to notice if I went missing in the corn maze....anyway.

Also, let's just also take a minute to appreciate the best photo bomb ever.

Pits full of corn are romantic didn't you know?

For your edification: walking in corn pits feels like you are getting a foot massage. Boom.

7th Wheeling for the win.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Monday, October 20, 2014

Teaser: Wedding Pictures

One of my best friends Kylie got married this past week. We have been friends for 15+ years and I am so happy that she found the man of her dreams. Plus they are one of those beautiful couples that are going to have adorable babies, so there's that. Anyway, here is a teaser picture of the beautiful bride, oh and a weird girl standing next to her.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Don't you want to be my friend?

Sometimes I stay at home and study 300+ astronomy note cards in this outfit. Am I cool enough to get call this look hipster or do I have to stick with lazy? 

 Either way, winning all around. No judgement.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mmmmm Pumpkin....Or Not

Fall makes me happy. Like every other person on the internet I could gush and gush about how great everything fall is. But I won't (at least today..). Instead I want to talk pumpkin. Right now everyone is breaking out all things pumpkin. I don't blame them because something about pumpkin just screams fall and happiness. So, because I like happiness, I decided to break out the pumpkin and make pumpkin pudding (recipe found here). I had to wait two weeks to make this pudding because first I didn't have pumpkin pie spice, then I didn't have just plain vanilla pudding, then i didn't have whipped topping. Yeah basically I couldn't get my act together. Finally, I made the pudding. I lovingly stirred it all together, patiently waited the two hours for it to set, and carefully constructed it. Turns out, I forgot I dislike the flavor of pumpkin. 

Pumpkin pie pudding

At this point you are questioning my intelligence, rightly so. Turns out that every year (literally every year)I forget that I hate pumpkin. I get so excited about fall that everything pumpkin looks divine. Epic Fail. Sometimes (read: Most of the time) I  struggle as a functioning human being. HOWEVER, there are two tested and proven pumpkin recipes I do actually like. 1) plain pumpkin muffins 2) pumpkin cheesecake with gingersnap crust, probably because neither have a strong pumpkin flavor...

Anyway, if you actually like pumpkin, then this recipe is probably delicious (everything they make on that blog looks divine).

Happy Pumpkin Dessert Making (or not)

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Monday, October 6, 2014

Take me Back to Florida

So my family has a tradition of going on vacations to Florida.  We eat way to much, sleep way to little, and have way to much fun. First up on our Florida vacation: The BEACH!!!

Daytona beach is my favorite beach that I have been too, and I have been to a lot (in the United States). So if you want to go to a beach, please don't go there because otherwise it will be too crowded when I go. Good talk.

Without further ado I will share some pictures.

Disclamer: These pictures may show horrifyingly messy hair, pasty white skin, and thunder thighs. Viewer discretion is advised.

First of all, the classic family picture. Dang I was blessed with a good looking family. I think my brothers stole all of the skinny genes though....jerks.

And an obligatory shot with this adorable kid and our sun glasses.

This kid thought I was his pack horse and spent a good chunk of time making me carry him places. Yeah he is 6'3 and I am 5'9 so this made a lot of sense. You have to look hard to see me at all...

Some boogie board action

And a blooper. I didn't realize how much the waves had stretched out my already abused swimsuit until looking at these pictures.  #winning

Also, how is my brother so much tanner than me? We look like we are different races, fidelity is often discussed in my family... ;p

Take me back to Florida.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Let's talk Football

Does anyone else agree that four hour football games are just way (WAY) to long? No? Yeah me either...

Anyway, this last weekend I went with a group of friends to BYU's football game against Utah State. We are not going to talk about the ending score, or about how it ruined our perfect 4-0 season, or how our QB is now injured and out for the season,but we can talk about how fun it is to cheer for a team and a school that you love.

Admittedly, I am not a sports gal. I mean I can totally get on board with watching the occasional professional sports game, but overall I would much rather be playing a sport than watching someone else play a sport. However, when you are in the stadium with 60,000 fans cheering for the team you have grown up worshiping, I think it is impossible to have anything but an amazing evening. So even though we lost, I will cheer for BYU until the day I die. Go cougars!

Plus, I got to see this cute little cousin  of mine in the marching band (I can't actually believe that he is old enough to be in college...I feel old). Double win.

Can you think of a better way to spend a Friday night? I can't. Here's to hoping that every Friday is as good as this one.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

92 and Loving It

You know how most people inherently love their families? Like it is just this thing that we are supposed to do and say that we do? Well I would say that I occasionally fall into that passive emotional state. I mean I honestly do love my family, like a lot, but I often take it for granted. But then there are weekends like this last one. Weekends where you know that you have been supremely blesses in having an amazing family. So blessed that you have a 92 year old grandpa that is still healthy and who still thinks that all of his grandchildren are perfect. Who, even though he has a hard time moving, will always volunteer to sit and hold his crying grand baby and will sing him all of the songs he knows while gently rocking him back and forth. Who has a hard time hearing people when they talk, but will just sit in the circle of people talking and simply smile because he is happy to be surrounded by family. Yeah, weekends like these remind me that I have an amazing family, and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

Happy 92nd Birthday Grandpa, I sure do love you!

Sincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane