Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nerd Alert: Volume I

I am a nerd. An absolute and complete one. I am studying Genetics and Biotechnology and I love it. It is challenging, frustrating, rewarding, and so very very interesting. So I thought I might show some pictures of how I spend my school days in these small chronicles labeled "Nerd Alert". 

Today was my physiology lab. We were working with our own blood looking at hematocrit, RBC and WBC levels, Plasma, and blood typing. If that makes no sense to you that is probably good news and means that you are not a freak like me!

We had to draw our own blood to use in the lab, and let me tell you, when I prick my finger cooking I feel like it gushes blood and yet when I intentionally pricked it in the lab setting I couldn't get any flipping blood out of it. I had to poke myself 4 times, and while I am not a wimp, I can't say that I enjoy inflicting pain on myself. Then I had to go to guitar class and I realized that pricking my fingers that I have to play with was not my best life decision. Shocker.

Some telescope action

 And this one just because apparently I like embarrassing myself. Don't be jealous of how sexy I look. Not everyone can be as hot as us scientists.

Have I converted you to science yet? Don't worry there is still time. 

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

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