Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Nerd Alert: Volume II

You know when you have made the elite nerd club? When your name is submitted to be a student volunteer to show some of the biggest donors to your college around the new life sciences building. You know when you become the leader of the nerd club? When you are so excited because you get to dress up and wear a lab coat and pretend to be an up-and-coming scientist.

I read the blogs of people who are dancers and fashionistas and world travelers. Can nerdy scientists blog too? We will see...

Also, let it be known that I made a wrong turn when giving the tour and got totally confused and pretended like I took us down a hallway so I could get a drink and show them the drinking fountains. Because of course none of these people have ever seen a drinking fountain before. Heidi Jane ladies and gentlemen,

Future nerds of America people. No autographs please.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Monday, November 17, 2014

Disclaimer: Not a fashion blogger

I am not a fashion blogger, nor will I ever be. I value sleep far to much to look adorable every single day, and I have fully accepted this aspect of my life. However, I never wear yoga pants (or any type of sweat pant) or t-shirts out of the house unless I am going to the gym. Why you ask? Because in high school (dark days) this is all that I wore (and I looked awful. No really.) so my mother stole all of my t-shirts in the hopes that I would pull myself together and told me that I was only allowed to wear them on Fridays. While at the time it felt like she was out to ruin my life (hello teenage angst), I am so happy that I learned how to wear real clothes. So here is a picture of an outfit that I wore, mostly because I felt I was being edgy with patterns and mixing browns and blacks. Now I look at it and wonder if it even matches. I'm over it.

Also, please note that I took the picture looking down at my outfit. I follow enough fashion blogs to know that this is how it is done. Why you ask? No idea, but I did it anyway. However, I am sure real fashion bloggers would have found a much more photogenic piece of ground to stand on..

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Friday, November 14, 2014

Totes the best Hun Cal Fro Yo

Please someone tell me that they understand the title of this post. If you don't, please You Tube it and make your life a little happier.

I am currently on the hunt for the best coconut frozen yogurt that Utah has to offer. I have some game changing coconut fro yo in Puerto Rico and I need some in my life again. This is a real problem people (and by real I clearly mean first world).

Also, any excuse to eat boba (the little colored balls) is fine by me.

Now I am hungry again...

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nerd Alert: Volume I

I am a nerd. An absolute and complete one. I am studying Genetics and Biotechnology and I love it. It is challenging, frustrating, rewarding, and so very very interesting. So I thought I might show some pictures of how I spend my school days in these small chronicles labeled "Nerd Alert". 

Today was my physiology lab. We were working with our own blood looking at hematocrit, RBC and WBC levels, Plasma, and blood typing. If that makes no sense to you that is probably good news and means that you are not a freak like me!

We had to draw our own blood to use in the lab, and let me tell you, when I prick my finger cooking I feel like it gushes blood and yet when I intentionally pricked it in the lab setting I couldn't get any flipping blood out of it. I had to poke myself 4 times, and while I am not a wimp, I can't say that I enjoy inflicting pain on myself. Then I had to go to guitar class and I realized that pricking my fingers that I have to play with was not my best life decision. Shocker.

Some telescope action

 And this one just because apparently I like embarrassing myself. Don't be jealous of how sexy I look. Not everyone can be as hot as us scientists.

Have I converted you to science yet? Don't worry there is still time. 

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane