You know how everyone talks about how college kids never have any food? Well if this is true then I didn't get the memo. I have this horrible problem where if I see something on sale then I just buy it because "you never know when you might need 6 cans of sweetened condensed milk". It is a problem. So would you like to see what a real college pantry looks like? Here is my shelf...

(ignore the top left...don't know what happened there...)
So yeah, I would hardly say that starving is the appropriate term. But wait it gets better. Do you want to see what a fridge looks like that is shared by 6 GIRLS??? Wish granted.
Note the 5 different cartons of milk...
It is a Class A Struggle....this is the only section that is mine...
Oh the joys of college living.
Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane
P.S. Make sure to get out and vote tomorrow if you haven't already!!!
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