Friday, November 9, 2012

All you can do is smile

Story of my day
-woke up with it hard core snowing out side
-burnt my hand curling my hair
-left my milk out overnight
-walk 15 minutes to class in the downpour of snow to find out that my class is canceled
-hair that I spent 30 minutes curling is now flat
-spend 4 hours from 6-10 in reviews on a Friday night.

Sometimes the only thing left that you can do on days like today is smile.

Insincerely yours,
Heidi Jane

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One of those nights

My night is looking a little this...

Hair In a bun
Glasses out
Late night slap happy face on

Let the homework begin. Oh college....I love you but sometimes I wonder why.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

In all Seriousness

“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual--or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
— Samuel Adams

Rockin the Red, White, and Blue for election day.
And no I do not have an "I voted" sticker....absentee ballots really need to enclose a sticker with them...first world problems

Monday, November 5, 2012

College food

You know how everyone talks about how college kids never have any food? Well if this is true then I didn't get the memo. I have this horrible problem where if I see something on sale then I just buy it because "you never know when you might need 6 cans of sweetened condensed milk". It is a problem. So would you like to see what a real college pantry looks like? Here is my shelf...

(ignore the top left...don't know what happened there...)

So yeah, I would hardly say that starving is the appropriate term. But wait it gets better. Do you want to see what a fridge looks like that is shared by 6 GIRLS??? Wish granted.

                                                            Note the 5 different cartons of milk...

It is a Class A Struggle....this is the only section that is mine...

Oh the joys of college living.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

P.S. Make sure to get out and vote tomorrow if you haven't already!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

I Insincerely Apologize for....

  • Campaigning for my main man Mitt wherever I am
  • Calling all things that are the least bit hard a "class A struggle"
  • Being able to put 28 grapes in my is a real thing
  • flaring my nostrils at you to get you to laugh at the most inappropriate of times
  • referring to my previous roommates as simply me "exes" has created several uncomfortable but very funny situations


And this is my super scary Halloween present to you (yeah I know that it is two days late)

found this bad boy in my pantry....would you believe that it used to be a piece of pie (pre-mold that is)

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I think I want to Marry YOU

On Sunday I was privileged to be present when one of my best friends Annie got engaged. It was amazing to be able to wait at the bottom of a mountain, watch her get out of their car with a huge grin, a sparkly ring, and her future husband. What a spectacular moment. Annie I am so thrilled for you and I know you guys will be so happy! Cheesy...but true!

Get ready for a picture overload...

Yeah she was just a little excited...

                                                                 Love this girl!

                                        The Rock that he custom designed just for her....perfect

          The cute couple! (she held her hand like this the entire night, haha she couldn't believe that it was real!)

My personal Favorite of the night, Logan looks ecstatic and Annie looks in heaven.

Annie and Logan, CONGRATULATIONS! I love you both!

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane