Friday, May 4, 2012

Commin at you Chicago

I am from the wonderful city of Chicago (okay well right outside of it but whose counting)...and I must admit that I love it. Sure there are some things I don't like (**cough taxes, **cough politics)... but the opportunities, diversity, culture, and FOOD that you can find there are almost unparalleled! So when my roomie Annie came and visited last week it was the perfect opportunity to play the part of tourist and do all the things in Chicago that normally I wouldn't because I live there. So if you haven't been mostly.....go CRAZY!!!

Day 1...Michigan Avenue
Oh you know, the place that is world famous for not only being in over 20 film productions, but also having one of the largest collections of designer stores. So. Fun. (and sooo out of my price range).

Some random people on the sidewalk told us we were the brightest chicagoans he had ever seen....thank you yellow coat!

And what is Michigan Av. without a Marilyn pic?

 (Sad side note...Marilyn will soon be moving to Florida. I guess it was too much trouble to keep her skirts down in the Chicago wind...)

Michigan Avenue=the shopaholics dream.

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane


  1. Your yellow coat is fabulous!

  2. Hey! I made your blog! I feel so cool. Best week EVER. Love you :) :)
