Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Year of the Monkey

It wouldn't have been Christmas break if my family hadn't taken a trip to China Town in Chicago. One of our closest family friends lives in the heart of China town so we take any excuse we can to visit him. He and his girlfriend are very into Chinese fortunes and so at the beginning of the year they always tell us our fortunes for the year. Year of the Monkey looks like they are going to have a good year. It is about flipping time.

Prospects for the Year of the Monkey

Career: Someone of the opposite sex will possibly bring you good luck to make your job go more smoothly. (As long as he is single and attractive I am down ;))

Fortune: This year's Wealth Luck will bring small losses and small gains. Things will be stable as long as you don't make high-risk investments. (Why does my fortune never predict insane amounts of money? Maybe 2016...)

Romance: Your Romance Luck is strong, so pay attention to members of the opposite sex around you for opportunities to fall in love. (Now that is what I am talking about!)

And one of this kid because how could I resist? He is honestly the most loved (read: most spoiled) child on the planet. He flashes that grin and we can't say no....and it is not likely that will change anytime soon. =)

Insincerely Yours,
Heidi Jane